
This fall, the Loker School has had the privilege of having a mindfulness residency led by Gabriel Baldwin. Gabriel visits Loker each Monday, where he leads whole classroom mindfulness lessons, individual/small group mindfulness work, professional development for teachers, and School Meeting mindfulness exercises. His strategies such as “five finger breathing”, finding your access point and noticing what you are experiencing through your five senses have become a consistent presence throughout the building. As numerous research indicates, mindfulness can improve mental health, physical health and overall well-being. More specifically for children, it can lower their heart rate, improve sleep habits, relieve stress, improve decision making and build self-esteem. As we explicitly teach the children, having a calm mind and body when adversity happens can have a tremendous impact on how we respond to situations which often results in more safe and thoughtful decisions.

For more information on Gabriel and his mindfulness instruction, please see the following link: http://mindfulnesswithgabriel.com/

Stacey Robinson